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By submitting a manuscript, the authors agree that the copyright of their article is transferred to the publishers if and when the article is accepted for publication. Plagiarism is strictly forbidden, and by submitting the article for publication the authors agree that the publishers have the legal right to take appropriate action against the authors, if plagiarism or fabricated information is discovered. It is a condition of publication that manuscripts submitted to this journal have not been published and will not be simultaneously submitted or published elsewhere. Submission of a manuscript to the respective journals implies that all authors have read and agreed to the content of the Copyright Letter or the Terms and Conditions.

Any queries therein should be addressed to who publish in Bentham Science Publishers print & online journals will transfer copyright to their work to Bentham Science Publishers.

Figure legends/captions should also be provided.Ī successful electronic submission of a manuscript will be followed by a system-generated acknowledgement to the principal/corresponding author. should be referred in the text at the places where they are discussed first. References, figures, tables, structures, etc.

It is imperative that before submission, authors should carefully proofread the files for special characters, mathematical symbols, Greek letters, equations, tables references and images, to ensure that they appear in proper format. It is advisable that the document files related to a manuscript submission should always have the name of the corresponding author as part of the file name, i.e., “Cilli MS text.doc”, “Cilli MS Figure 1”, etc.
#Ithenticate® professional plagiarism prevention pdf
Furthermore, any illustration, structure or table that has been published elsewhere must be reported, and copyright permission for reproduction mustįor all online submissions, please provide soft copies of all the materials (main text in MS Word or Tex/LaTeX), figures / illustrations in TIFF, PDF or JPEG, and chemical structures drawn in ChemDraw (CDX) / ISISDraw (TGF) as separate files, while a PDF version of the entire manuscript must also be included, embedded with all the figures / illustrations / tables / chemical structures etc. The author(s) will confirm that the manuscript (or any part of it) has not been published previously or is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. The principal/corresponding author will be required to submit a Copyright Letter along with the manuscript, on behalf of all the co-authors (if any). Manuscripts must be submitted by one of the authors of the manuscript, and should not be submitted by anyone on their behalf.
#Ithenticate® professional plagiarism prevention full
Manuscripts and the full thematic issues must be submitted online via Bentham's Manuscript Processing System (MPS) at / View Submission Instructions However, technical terms and sometimes standard procedures cannot be rephrased therefore Editors must review these sections carefully before making a decision.Īn online submission and tracking service via Internet facilitates a speedy and cost-effective submission of manuscripts. Authors can easily explain these parts of the manuscript in many ways. Higher similarity in the abstract, introduction, materials and methods, and discussion and conclusion sections indicates that the manuscript may contain plagiarized text. Authors should either paraphrase properly or quote and in both cases, cite the original source. Similarly, manuscripts with language somewhere between paraphrasing and quoting are not acceptable. Properly citing a work but poorly paraphrasing the original text is considered as unintentional plagiarism. Verbatim copying of text without putting quotation marks and not acknowledging the work of the original author. Paraphrasing poorly: Copying complete paragraphs and modifying a few words without changing the structure of original sentences or changing the sentence structure but not the words. It is an author’s use of a previous publication in another paper without proper citation and acknowledgment of the original source. Text recycling, also known as self-plagiarism. Reproduction of others words, sentences, ideas or findings as one’s own without proper acknowledgement. However, the following important features can assist in identifying different kinds of plagiarized content. It is therefore, not easy to draw a clear boundary between legitimate representation and plagiarism. We all know that scholarly manuscripts are written after a thorough review of previously published articles.